“The wall – Saharawi wound” is a documentary film by Fiorella Bendoni and Gilberto Mastromatteo, produced by the Ban Slout Larbi Association, under the patronage of the Italian section of Amnesty International and in collaboration with the Italian Association of Solidarity with the Saharawi people (Ansps) and the Italian parliamentary intergroup of friendship with the Saharawi people.
Ahmed lost a leg due to an anti-personnel mine, while he was grazing his camels. Fatimetu is just over 20 years old and works as a deminer near the wall that divides her country, Western Sahara. Mohamed explains the history of the barrier to the visitors of the Resistance Museum. Kadija lives of memories. She would like to return to her city, on the other side of the wall, but now she no longer hopes it.
The documentary is available on a double DVD in 6 languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic) with a contribution of at least € 18 including shipping costs.
To request it, send an email to info@bansloutlarbi.it or fill in the following form.
Payments: Paypal, credit cart (Paypal), bank transfer.